Seisa University International Exchange
Seisa University
Center Greetings,

Dear friends,
Welcome to the International Exchange Center First of all, I would like to express my
heartfelt condolences to those lost to the COVID-19 pandemic around the world.
Currently, the activities of the International Exchange Center are greatly affected by
the Corona disaster, but we are cultivating sympathy and trust through online exchanges
without turning off the exchange lights.
Seisa has three guiding principles; “Understand Each Other.” “Leave Nobody Out.” “Make
Back in the 1987s, under these three promises, Seisa started international exchanges and
expanded the circle of friendship to Saipan, Hawaii, Mongolia, Malaysia, Bhutan,
Eritrea, Myanmar and so on. This center was established in 2010 and has recently
accepted international students from overseas universities (Royal Thimphu College in
Bhutan, etc.) and Myanmar / Brazil, and has recently accepted international students
such as SAAB (Saab Africa / Asia Bridge). We are developing activities such as events
and support for international students. The other day, I am grateful to Bhutanese folk
musician “Jigme Drukpa” for delivering the folk instruments “Damnien” and “Yangchin”.
Now, Seisa is helping vulnerable people and seeking a more equal and inclusive future. This center will work with everyone who is actively and enthusiastically involved in these activities. The world is the greatest place for learning. Make friends and expand your circle of friends. Thank you.
星槎には、「人を排除しない」「人を認める」「仲間をつくる」という3つの約束があります。 遡れば、1987年代からこの3つの約束のもと、星槎は、国際交流を開始し、サイパン、ハワイ、モンゴル、マレーシア、ブータン、エリトリア、ミャンマーなどへと友好の輪を広げてきました。本センターは、2010年に設置され、最近では、海外の大学(ブータンのロイヤル・ティンプー・カレッジなど)やミャンマー・ブラジルなどからの留学生を受け入れや、SAAB(星槎アフリカ・アジア・ブリッジ)などの国際イベント、留学生支援といった活動を展開しています。先日は、ブータンの民俗音楽家「Jigme Drukpa」 氏から「ダムニエン」「ヤンチン」という民族楽器を届けて頂き、ありがたく感謝したところです。
Professor at Seisa University
Director of Social Contribution Office / Director of
International Exchange Center
Eiko Sakata
星槎大学 教授
社会貢献室 室長 / 国際交流センター センター長
坂田 映子