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Seisa Research Center for International Affairs directors

Shin Sasaki


佐々木 伸

Staff Profile 星槎大学国際問題研究所員プロフィール

  • Shin SASAKI 佐々木 伸


    Professor of Seisa University & Seisa University Graduate School of Education. Former editor in chief at Kyodo News. He had been active as a journalist mainly in the field of international relations nearly for half a century. During his career, he was stationed in Tehran, Beirut, Cairo and Washington. He now teaches at the university and its graduate school, while occasionally writing articles, giving lectures and working as a TV commentator. He also writes editorials for Kyodo News as its guest editorial writer. Among his books are “White House and Media” (Chuko Shinsho) and “War in Lebanon” (Kyodo News). He specializes in media journalism, politics in the United States and Middle East.



  • Sumana BARU バルア・スマナ


    Distinguished Professor of Seisa University; Former Director of WHO- Global Leprosy Program. Professor Barua is a Bangladeshi, obtained his Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree from the University of the Philippines-Manila and his masters degree in public health as well as his Ph. D. degree from the University of Tokyo. He has a long experience of working in the rural communities of many countries in Asia and the Pacific regions; supervised JICA training courses; trained Japanese medical doctors and other health professionals to work in rural communities of various countries. His research interest includes Developing Health Human Resource for ‘Doctor-less Areas;’ Primary Health Care (PHC); Health Policy Development; Social Discrimination Against the People Affected by Leprosy and their Families; Developing Educational System & Facilities for the Rural Children; NGO activities in Japan and other Asian countries.



  • Naoshi YAMAWAKI 山脇 直司


    Specially-appointed Professer of Seisa University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Munich (LMU). He had been a member of Interregional Philosophical Dialogue promoted by UNSCO. His publications include Glocal Public Philosophy—Toward Peaceful and Just Societies in the Age of Globalization, Lit Verlag, “The Significance and Roles of Glocal Public Philosophy for World Peace” in: Sophia Journal for Asian, African and Middle Eastern Studies /No.34, A History of European Social Thought (in Japanese), The University of Tokyo Press.


    星槎大学特任教授、東京大学名誉教授。専門は公共哲学、共生科学、社会思想史。「各自がそれぞれ生きる現場や地域で、グローバルな問題を考え、実践する」という意味のグローカル公共哲学を提唱している。国連大学湘南グローバルセミナー主催者やユネスコ主催の地域間哲学対話参加などの経験を持つ。主著にGlocal Public Philosophy---Toward Peaceful and just Societies in the Age of Globalization, Lit Verlag、『社会とどうかかわるか』岩波ジュニア新書など多数、編著に『共生社会の構築のために』星槎大学出版会、などがある。

  • Eiichi OSHIMA 大嶋 英一


    Professor, Seisa University: MS, Tokyo University Former Japanese ambassador to Fiji. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1978, and had since served overseas in China, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Republic of Korea, United States (Permanent Mission to the UN), the Philippines, and in Fiji. He was a professor at Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, Kobe University, and Tamagawa University before assuming his current position. His research interest includes international politics and international cooperation. In international politics, he follows China's domestic politics and foreign policy, and is particularly interested in the policy-making process and maritime issues. With regard to international cooperation, based on his many years of experience in the field of ODA, he established the "International Cooperation and Kyosei Studies Course" at the graduate school in 2020 for Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers and others.



  • Satomi HIGASHI 東 智美


    Associate Professor of Saitama University. She specializes in natural resource management and rural change in Southeast Asia, especially in Laos and Thailand, and the politics of international development. She was engaged with a community-based watershed management project in northern Laos, as a program director of an environmental NGO. She has also been monitoring social and environmental impacts of hydropower projects in Laos. She completed her Ph.D. in social sciences from Hitotsubashi University, and her research focuses on smallholders’ natural resource use and government policies on natural resources management in Laos and Thailand. She is currently vice-director of Mekong Watch, an environmental NGO based in Tokyo.



  • Eiko SAKATA 坂田 映子


    Professor of Seisa University, specializing in school management and music education. As a member of the JICA Contractor "Project for Curriculum at Primary level of Basic Education in Myanmar," she has been involved in artistic music, curriculum assessment and human resource development. She is currently studying school education design for a new era, such as "post-corona school education" and "human resource development through symbiosis." Her research themes include "school education in the post-corona era," "Bhutanese folk music," and "the challenges of organizing and evaluating the performing arts curriculum in Myanmar."


    「Project for Curriculum at Primary level of Basic Education in Myanmar」専門委員として芸術音楽、カリキュラム・アセスメント・人材育成に携わってきた。現在は「ポストコロナの学校教育」、「共生による人づくり」など、新しい時代の学校教育デザインを研究している。研究テーマは、「ポストコロナ時代における学校教育」、「ブータンの民俗音楽」「ミャンマー国パフォーミングアーツ教育課程編成と評価の課題」など。

  • Tomoaki NISHIHARA 西原 智昭


    Specially Appointed Professor of Seisa University. He Graduated from Human Evolution Studies, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Ph. D (https://doctor-nishihara.com/). Engaged in scientific research on wildlife and anthropology, management of National Parks, and tropical forest and bio-diversity conservation in the Central Africa tropical forest areas such as Congo and Gabon for 30 years since 1989. Currently a Specially Appointed Professor of Seisa University, and Conservation Fellow of an international NGO “Wildlife Conservation Society”. Working on (1) human origin and evolution, and wildlife, ecosystem and global conservation; (2) a balance between bio-diversity and cultural diversity; (3) indigenous people issues; (4) suggestion and recommendation to ethical life; (5) Japanese origin and essence.


    星槎大学教授および国際NGO・WCS(WildlifeConservation Society;本部ニューヨーク)の自然環境保全研究員。1989年から約30年間コンゴ共和国やガボンなどアフリカ中央部熱帯林地域にて、野生生物の研究調査、国立公園管理、熱帯林・生物多様性保全に従事。京都大学理学部人類進化論研究室出身、理学博士(https://doctor-nishihara.com/)。(1)人類の起源と進化、野生生物・森林生態系および地球環境保全、資源開発問題、(2)生物多様性と文化多様性のバランスへ向けた模索、(3)先住民族問題、(4)エシカルライフの提言・推奨、(5)日本列島人の探求などに取り組む。

  • Miwako HOSODA 細田 満和子


    Professor of Seisa University. Academic background is Sociology, Public Health, and Bioethics. She has been conducting research through observing human relations in the healthcare and education field. Using knowledge from her prior research on advocacy, policy, and public participation, she has been making collaborative efforts with local communities. She is currently president of International Sociological Association's Research Committee of Sociology of Health and vice-president of the Asia Pacific Sociological Association.



  • Yoko YAMATO 大和 洋子


    Professor of Seisa University. Having lived in Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai while raising children led her to study comparative education. Her works are mainly in school and supplementary education both in international and local curriculum schools. Current interests are public-private partnership in public schools and educational opportunities for children of foreign origin.



  • Hiroshi AZUMA 東 博史


    Visiting Professor,Seisa University. Deputy Director of Seisa Research Center for International Affairs. Former Japanese ambassador to Portugal and to Mauritania. He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1976, He had been very active as a diplomat and dedicated himself to Japanese Diplomacy for more than forty years. He worked as Deputy Director for First African Affairs Division and for UN Policy Division as well as Director for Central and Eastern European Affairs Division etc.in the Ministry. And he had served overseas in France, Cote d’Ivoire, Vienna(Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna),Iran, Pakistan, Milan(Consul-General of Japan),Mauritania and Portugal. His research interest includes International Politics and International Cooperation, especially Diplomatic History of Japan. He is currently President of Japan-Mauritania Friendship Association and Executive Administrator of Italy-Japan Association.


    星槎大学客員教授、国際問題研究所副所長。元ポルトガル大使、元モーリタニア大使 1976年、外務省入省後、40年以上外交官として日本外交に従事。外務本省では、アフリカ第一課首席事務官、国連政策課首席事務官、査察室長、東欧課長等を務め、在外は、フランス、コートジボワール、ウイーン、イラン、パキスタン在勤の後、ミラノ総領事、初代の駐モーリタニア日本大使として、大使館開館にかかわる。その後ポルトガル大使を務める。専門は、国際政治、国際協力、特に、日本外交史。現在、日本・モーリタニア友好協会会長、日・伊協会常務理事。

  • Shigeki SUMI 角 茂樹


    Visiting Professor, Seisa University. Former Japanese Ambassador to Vienna International Organizations, United Nations, Bahrain and Ukraine. In his a long carrier as a diplomat, he is especially associated with international organizations as the Vice Chairman of the Special Committee on UN Peace Keeping Operations in New York, Chief representative of the drafting committee for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability, Bord Member of the Global Fund, Japanese representative to the Human Rights Commission in Geneve and Committee member of UN committee of contribution. He also acted as an adviser to the Council of Japanese bishops when Pope Francis visited Japan in 2019. He currently teaches international relations at Tamagawa University, Kawamura women’s College, Iwate University and Sophia University.


    星槎大学客員教授、1976年外務省に入省しウイーン代表部大使、国連代表部大使、バーレーン大使、ウクライナ大使を務める。2019年に外務省を退職し現在、星槎大学の他、玉川大学、岩手大学、川村学園女子大学、上智大学院で教鞭をとる。外務省においては国際機関の担当が長く、国連PKO特別委員会副議長、障害者権利条約策定委員会日本政府首席代表、エイズ、マラリア、結核世界基金理事、ジュネーブ人権委員会政府代表、国連分担金委員会委員を務める。フランシスコ教皇来日に際しては,日本カトリック司教団顧問を務めた。専門は、国連平和維持及び平和構築活動 、人権問題。 国連PKO、ウクライナに関する著作がある。


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